Become An Affiliate of The Jeannetta Collier Brand
Do you have an amazing business, service or product that you want to put on a global stage?
Get your business, service or product featured in media and other platforms so
that you gain exposure and credibility, be an authority, the go-to person in your
industry, grow your celebrity, and attract new clients.
This Gold Package includes 3 to 4 opportunities to work with me in using my
platforms and highlighting your business
RADIO INTERVIEW: One 1 on 1 expert positioned radio interview around your
product or service. A carefully created marketing piece that talks directly to your
target market and that can be reshared numerous times. (You must call to
schedule interview)
SOCIAL MEDIA INTERVIEW: One Social Media interview posted to Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.
SPOTLIGHT ON WEBSITE: Profile, Bio, Contact Information. Referral program 25%
on each client you receive from website promotions. One Website platforms with
tools to promote your business. (Annually)
EVENTS: VIP invitation to be a part of our upcoming summits as a vendor,
speaker or in your area of expertise.